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"Kokeshi were originally small wooden dolls made in Japan. Each doll had a specific shape and pattern from the region it was created in. Lolita is a fashion subculture of Japan. There are several categories of this type of fashion. This paper Kokeshi Lolita's name is Miyu. She likes to dress in Wa Lolita Fashion. Wa Lolita's tend to dress in traditional Japanese fashion."Kokeshi Lolita Papercraft
Flygon is a large, light green, insect-like dragon Pokémon. Adapted to life in the desert, this pokemon is able to create sandstorms by flapping its wings. It creates an unusual "singing" sound making people think that it is the "spirit of the desert."Pokemon: Flygon Papercraft
These papercraft models of propeller driven airplanes are free samples from the Hairston Aviation website. On top is a 1:60 scale model of a Cessna 172 (download here). The lower model is a Pitts S-1S at 1:45 scale (download here). Besides these two free ones, there are dozens of other airplane model templates available for a few dollars a piece. All the models are the work of James J. Hairston, an aviation enthusiast who started building card model aircraft when he was a kid during World War II.
Cruel Barb is a one-handed sword from WoW and is dropped by Edwin VanCleef in The Deadmines.WoW Papercraft: Cruel Barb
Check out the Paper Gangsta, 7 freaks who want to conquer the world! You can download five of them at the moment as the other two ran out of money.Paper Gangsta Papercraft
Robin has alerted us about his papercraft site dedicated to the Cahmpions League. The UEFA Champions League is an annual association football cup competition organised by UEFA since 1955 for the top football clubs in Europe. The ball above is the symbol of the league.UEFA: Champions League Papercraft
Here's diorama of a scene from Tomb Raider showing Lara as she tries to escape the rolling boulder.Tomb Raider Papercraft: Lara Boulder Dash Diorama
The GSG 9 der Bundespolizei is the elite counter-terrorism and special operations unit of the German Federal Police and is considered by Interpol to be one of the best of its kind in the world.GSG-9 der Bundespolizei Papercraft
Before he gave the world the Fantastic Four, comic genius Stan Lee gave us The Destroyer. Though not as big a star as the Timely Comics big three The Human Torch, Namor or Captain America, He still enjoyed a healthy run, appearing in virtually every Timely Comic anthology-wikiGolden Age Superhero: The Destroyer Papercraft
Moogles in FFXII are quite different in appearance as compared to the Mogs from the previous games. Moogles are a very common sight in Final Fantasy XII and the most notable encounter is with the six Moogle siblings: Montblanc is the head of clan Centurio, Nono serves as Balthier's mechanic, Gurdy runs the Chocobo stables while her twin brother Hurdy, and the two other brothers (Sorbet and Horne) operate a transportation system called "The Moogling" in Rabanastre, that allows the player's characters to teleport to other parts of the city. Final Fantasy XII Moogle Papercraft
Here's a random papertoy called " Just Bleh" by Singaporean artist Zakane.
Just Bleh Papercraft
In the "Partners in Crime" episode of the newest Doctor Who television series, there appear hundreds of cuddly little alien creatures called "Adipose". The oddest thing about the Adipose is that they are composed entirely of human body fat. This makes sense considering "adipose" is the medical term for fat tissue. The fatty papercraft pictured above is the creation of Sponzar of the Hunkydorky blog. You can grab a template for a papercraft Adipose of your own here.
This crocodile papercraft is the third new item brought to you by Canon.Crocodile Papercraft
This sumo wrestling game is a fun game that recreates a match of sumo, the traditional Japanese wrestling sport, with paper. When you tap the lever, the "dohyo" (the ring that the players wrestle in) shakes, making the wrestlers move. The wrestlers have very unique expressions, and you can choose from big and small types, as well as some original animal wrestler characters-CanonSumo Wrestling Game Papercraft
This drum set papercraft complete with drums, cymbals and other percussion instruments is a creation of S.Umekawa /PBS.
Canon Drum Set Papercraft
The new Polish złoty is the unofficial name of the current currency of Poland, introduced on 1 January 1995 as a result of the redenomination of the old currency. The official name of the Polish currency did not change since the Polish currency law of 1950 (DZ.U nr 50. poz. 459 with later changes), which defines the official currency as the złoty, remains in effect. The redenomination rate was 10 000 old Polish złoty to 1 new Polish złoty-wikiPolish Zloty Papercraft
Here's a little progress in Jules' Optimus Prime papercraft. He just released this torso part which he said is about 30% of Prime's total torso. I sure hope he can finish designing this awesome model.Transformers: Optimus Prime Papercraft Part 2A
Make way for the fifth installment of "Calling All Cars" papertoys. Participating artists include Filippo Perin, Trisha Bales, Greg Madden, Guillain le Vilain and Morgan Gleave.Calling All Cars Papercraft: Wave 5
Tubbypaws made this papercraft as a tribute to all the cats that can play keyboard...lolKeyboard Cat Papercraft
This is the medical tricorder and scanner were used by the Starfleet medical personnel in the Star Trek Voyager Elite Force video game.Star Trek: Medical Tricorder & Scanner Papercrafts
Here's another papercraft from the Star Trek Voyager Elite Force video game. This is the medical tricorder and scanner used by Starfleet medical personnel in the game, including the Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH) doctor. Like the Starfleet PADD papercraft I did previously, the textures on this model are a little too grainy for my liking, but since I thought this model would interest enough people I went ahead and posted it. If I had the time, I would pull the PDF into Photoshop and redo the textures. The template info is as follows:Scale: 1:1 Finished Size: * Tricorder - 3.5" (8.9 cm) x 8" (20.3 cm) * Scanner - 4" (10.2 cm) Number of sheets: 2Number of parts: 6 Difficulty: 1/5 DownloadA while back, I had a request to do a standard Starfleet tricorder papercraft, but I found that the 3D model in Elite Force is really rough and doesn't look much like the tricorders from the Voyager television show. So, unfortunately, this medical version is the best I will be able to do in the way of tricorder papercraft.Previous Star Trek papercraft posts: Hirogen ShurikenTerran Empire Knife Starfleet PADD Klingon Knife Hypospray Borg Cube
New camera papercraft from the Olympus website. Olympus Pen F Camera Papercraft
From Zelda: Majora's Mask, Anju and her mother are the owners of the Stock Pot Inn in Clock Town.Zelda Papercraft: Anju
Cacnea is a round and green Grass-type Pokémon primarily found in deserts and other arid environments. They have three dark green rhombus shapes below their faces along with a yellow flower bud on top of their heads. Pokemon Papercraft: Cacnea
I have seen more than a few Watchmen paper toys since the movie was released this year, but this Doctor Manhattan paper toy is the only one I have seen so far from Boxpunx creator Jason Harlan. To commemorate an interview he did earlier this month at, Jason created this exclusive "Dr. M" Boxpunx which is only available on the Giant Killer Squid website. Look for the template at the bottom of the page here.
Check out Kangol's entry to the Jellyface paper contest.KNGL: Jellyface Papercraft Custom
This paper toy was modeled after the Batmobile that appeared in the 1960's Batman television series. The boxy shape is due to the fact that it is a customization of the "Foldskool" paper toy template by Marshall Alexander. The template for this Batmobile is the creation of paper toy designer Matthijs Kamstra [aka MCK] and may be found on his website here.
Trekkies, we have an update from Paragon. T'Plana Hath is the famous Vulcan survey ship that made first contact with humans after Zephram Cochrane's first warp flight.
Star Trek Papercraft: T'Plana Hath
This papertoy was designed by Idham Mahardhika (Bandung - Indonesia) for the celebration of the begining of Moslem holy month, Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar where Muslims refrain from eating, drinking, sexual conduct, smoking, and indulging in anything that is in excess or ill-natured; from dawn until sunset.Ramadan Papercraft via paper-replika
Lara sure is a tough one as she's able to survive her encounters with the reptiles from the game including the deadly Velociraptors.Tomb Raider Papercraft: Red Raptor
Check out this colorful dragon papertoy from Jerom.Drazzagor Papercraft
Wii Sports Resort is a collection of sports games for the Nintendo Wii and is the sequel to Wii Sports. It comes with 12 different games and is bundles with a Wii MotionPlus device and an extended Wii Remote Jacket.
Wii Sports Resort Papercraft: Wuhu Island
Run for your lives! The three bad T-Rex from the Tomb Raider video games are here. Tomb Raider: T-Rex Papercrafts
Altier Fare's futuristic police motorcycle is now available for download. There are 12 pages of parts. Fututistic VPP Police Motorcycle PapercraftInstructions
The X-20 Dyna-Soar ("Dynamic Soarer") was a United States Air Force (USAF) program to develop a spaceplane that could be used for a variety of military missions, including reconnaissance, bombing, space rescue, satellite maintenance, and sabotage of enemy satellites. The program ran from 24 October 1957–10 December 1963, cost US$660 million, and was canceled just after spacecraft construction had begun-wiki
X-20 Dyna-Soar Papercraft
Parts of the Tron 2.0 video game take place in the "real world" as opposed to the electronic world inside a computer, so there are 3d models in the game of real world people and items. I think this gas mask appears in a scene in a laboratory. I chose to label this papercraft model "Steampunk" instead of "Tron" because of the way it is styled and also because it just wasn't all that Tron-like. ^^ The finished model is sized to be wearable but as the paper strap is not elastic you will need to modify the strap in some way if you want to be able to take it on and off. Adding velcro to the paper strap or replacing the paper strap with a real elastic band are possibilities. Here is the template info:Scale: 1:1Finished Size: 4.5" (11.4 cm) height (not including strap) Number of sheets: 2 Number of parts: 7 Difficulty: 2/5 Download
Here's a papercraft designed by Paulo Jorge as a tribute to "The Queen" member Freddie Mercury who died in 1991.Tribute Papercraft: Freddie Mercury
New from paperboxworld: Mark the Shark.Mark the Shark Papercraft
Papercraft designer BlueDragon took a break in designing models but is now back in action. Goku is the main character in the worldwide hit anime Dragon Ball by Akira Toriyama. Goku papercraft stands at 23 cm high. We can expect more DBZ models to follow. Dragon Ball: Son Goku Papercraft
This classic gameboy papercraft brings back some memories. My aunt gave me one as a birthday gift back in the 90's and I got totally addicted to it. My favorite games were Wario and Super Mario: Six Golden Coins. After many years and drops later, my old gameboy still works.Gameboy Papercraft
Despite its looks, this papercraft is not some alternate version of the Death Star or a training remote from Star Wars. This is a starship from the long running German science fiction book series, Perry Rhodan. In the books, the Discoverer ("Entdecker" in German) starships are said to have a diameter of 1800 meters (5906 feet) and operated by a crew of 500. This papercraft was created by Marco Scheloske and Raimund Peter. A download of the template is available here.
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